Real-time Animatronics
Blending live puppeteering, programmed behavior, and artificial intelligence to create a unique guest experience.
The goal of this initiative is to reimagine the entertainment, educational, and business potential of the marine animal industry. Real-time Animatronics are hyper-real creatures capable of delivering any experience you can imagine.
From dolphins sharing their dreams with your children to great white sharks inviting you to be a part of their feeding frenzy to sea dragons breathing fire in a nighttime fountain show. Safe, up close, personal engagement with the creatures of our world ocean is finally possible.
The Paradigm Shift
As captive marine mammal shows have fallen from favor; and the catching, transporting and breeding of marine animals has become more restricted, the marine park industry as a viable business has become more challenging – yet the audience appetite for this type of entertainment and education has remained constant.
Real-time Animatronics provide a way to reinvent the marine entertainment industry with a sustainable, safe, and profitable future. Show venues include aquariums, marine parks, theme parks, fountain shows, cruise lines, resort hotels, shopping malls, museums, and more.
Delle, Our Animatronic Dolphin, Engaging with Humans!

“Edge Innovations is delivering not only a business solution to this huge global animal-welfare issue but a wildly exciting experience that is not an alternative, but better.”
– World Animal Protection